Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Can I use a birthday candle in a pinch?

Today is my 30th birthday. When I think about the implications of that I smile. 
I have taken 30 trips around the sun. I have lived, laughed, loved, cried, fought, and fallen in love for 30 years. While that number isn't as "great" as the numbers my friends and family can claim, I am happy with it. 

As I have mentioned in past posts, I love Loki but my heart belongs to Brigid. Not only is it my birthday, but I also have a flame tending shift for Her today. I am having a hard time not seeing that as a sign. 

I have been struggling with the idea of who I am in regards Her and the faces of the Goddess for a few months. 

I am not a maiden by any stretch of the imagination, but I am also not the traditional idea of a mother. 

It is my hope, and if I am honest with myself my birthday wish, that I will be able to call myself a Priestess of Brigid by the time I have completed my 40th trip around the sun. 

And on that note... I have nothing else to say besides:

Hail Brigid, 
Breo-saighead - Flaming Arrow.
Fire of Inspiration.
Smith of so much more than metal. 
Lady of Fire and Water.
You are my heart. 
You are my passion.
You are my Goddess.
I honor you today. 
Hail Brigid.